Members Directory
Fachtagung Abbruch

More than 1.200 attendees and 124 exhibitors with a rented net exhibition space of above 1.190 sqm in 2024 turn the FACHTAGUNG ABBRUCH into the annual industry event in Europe.
In 2025, the conference programme has as title topic: QUALITY in DEMOLITION and includes lectures by experts who illustrate the wide range of quality in demolition on the topics of demolition techniques, recycling, disposal, pollutants, etc. The conference will be moderated all day by Kristina zur Muehlen. The accompanying industry exhibition is a valuable supplement and the dialogue evening offers the opportunity to informal networking.
Association news
ABBRUCH AKTUELL 04/2024 – EU regulations - brake pad or engine?
The new issue of ABBRUCH AKTUELL with the cover story ‘EU regulations - brake pad or motor?’ breaks down the topic of EU regulations specifically for the demolition industry.
Member news
Construction site of the week - Demolition within historic walls
A construction site of a somewhat different kind is currently underway in Altenburg, Thuringia. A former grammar school dating back to 1729 is to be renovated, modernised and converted.