
The knowledge of the legal situation is one of the important pre-requisites for successfully planning a demolition. Owing to the complexity of a modern demolition, legal aspects from the different legal areas come into effect. These primarily include the construction and environmental law, as also procurement law, work protection law, emission control act, chemicals and waste legislations as well as a number of directives, administrative regulations and regulations under the state law.

In this scenario, there are partly considerable differences in the building regulations of the states and the lawmaker is continuously turning out new laws. As such, it is not always easy for the demolition companies to maintain an overview. Here, the German Demolition Association considers itself as being in demand in a special way.

On one hand, through its active involvement in the politically relevant bodies, the DA advocates practical experiences to be considered when amending the laws. On the other, it promptly and specifically informs its members about new regulations and hence has a major share of the legal safety of the entire sector.


More information about the legal topic is given in our member area.